Free Music - Listen to unlimited songs with Easy Music Tube

4.0 ( 1910 ratings )
Musik Underholdning
Forfatter: Crewly Roster S.L.

Easy Music brings you the most simple and efficient way to search and browse through millions of songs. Build unlimited Playlists and play them non-stop! Enjoy your favorite songs, listen unlimited MP3 and play music for FREE!

√ Find top tracks and artists of the moment
√ Listen million of MP3 music for Free!
√ Search for track, album or artist!
√ Add your favorite music and listen to them any time you want!
√ Music will be playing on the background
√ Listen to original music, covers and the best remixes!

--- Disclaimer ---
Easy Music uses data from Lastfm® API. Easy Music will let the user stream music only when its allowed by the owner. Music stored and retrieved from SoundCloud® API. Easy Music respects their TOS and Copyrights.